After reading some of the other "Meet the Teachers," I decided to update mine. I'm one of those people that rewrites To Do lists if I didn't write them neatly... so here goes:
Tell us a little something about you...
I'm Angela, and I blog here at
Mrs. Lopac Teaches... I am a newlywed (4-30-11!) and new homeowner. My husband and I are updating and fixing up our house before we move in. It's exciting!
How long have you been teaching?
This is my fifth year teaching. I graduated with my undergrad in December 2006. I subbed that last semester. I taught preschool half days for the 2007-2008 school year. I even picked up a half day kindergarten class the last quarter of school, because the teacher moved. The next three years, I taught a combined fifth/sixth grade class. I had always said I would never teach middle school, but let me say I found out I loved it! This past spring when a teacher at my school retired, I decided to move down the grades to my *dream* job - a first/second grade combined class! I will miss my fifth graders that I would have had as sixth graders this year, but I can't wait to work with my little students!
You might not know...
I'm really shy. I'm not shy with my students, but with most people I appear quiet. I've tried to be more outgoing for years, but I'm starting to realize I'm not going to change. :o)
What are you looking most forward to this school year?
I'm most looking forward to working with my little first and second graders! I can't wait for read alouds, Daily Five, and projects (academic of course :o) ).
What do you need to improve?
Since it'll be my first year teaching first and second grade, I'm so nervous! I have so many things to learn and improve on! It'll be my first year incorporating the Daily Five and CAFE into my schedule. I know it'll be awesome, but I just want to make sure I do it right so my students can really benefit. It'll be my first time teaching students how to read and improve as readers. When I got my fifth and sixth graders, they could all read. I helped them grow as readers, but obviously first and second grade will be much, much different in that aspect!
I would also like to use Debbie Diller's Math Work Stations, but I just haven't had time to work on that this summer. Right now, there are Scott Foresman workbooks for math that the previous teacher supplemented with Everyday Math games and activities. I've never used Everyday Math, so I would like to rely mostly on the Math Work Stations and be able to teach both grade levels together.
As always, I need to improve on time management. Last year, as a fourth year teacher, I was at school late all the time. I need to better manage my time so I can get everything done and leave at a reasonable time. I've got a family (husband) now waiting for me at home! :o)
What teaching supplies can you *not* live without?
Glue. My fifth and sixth graders couldn't believe how much glue I had them use. I used individual notebooks for almost every subject and had my students glue everything into them. They couldn't lose worksheets or notes unless they lost their whole notebook (which only happened once...). I'm not sure how I'll work this with my first and second graders, though I do know they'll have a poetry notebook that will require gluing.
Coffee. I love it.
New whiteboard markers.
Teacher books. I'm a nerd and totally read teacher books outside of classes and school. I'm currently re-reading The Daily Five and CAFE before school begins. I'm also trying to finish The Nuts & Bolts of Writing Workshop and About the Authors.
Children's books. Even at the middle school level, we read many children's books together to use as mentor texts. I also love chapter books. I'm trying to figure out some good ones for the lower level.
Chart paper. I use them for anchor charts (though I didn't call them anchor charts in the past).
... so much more. I'll have to see what I can't live without this year!